Leadership and Performance Coach


As a leader, do you want more clarity and fulfilment in your work and life?

Dr. Steve Matthews coaches leaders to develop a highly effective style of leadership which is consultative, ethical and inspirational. This enables leaders and their teams to become exceptional performers and to lead with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.

What People Say

"I want to thank you, as my coach, for your significant contribution to my success."

Rakesh Sinha Finance Director, Unilever

"Steve brings an outstanding set of frameworks with which he illuminates people’s perceptions and behaviours. They have changed the way I understand the world around me and through that, lead my colleagues. It has also helped me to make tough decisions with more integrity."

Simon Smith Managing Director, eBay Australasia

"Steve brings a very finely calibrated set of skills to his coaching work and he respects the intelligence of those he works with. His capacity to draw out and challenge your assumptions and to do so in ways that help you to rethink how you conventionally understand and approach particular situations is key to how he facilitates growth and change. It’s been incredibly valuable."

Professor Maryanne Dever, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Digital, Australian National University

"Steve was highly recommended to me as a leadership coach. While my original brief to Steve was to help develop my presence and communication confidence, his holistic approach helps you develop a deeper appreciation of yourself and your leadership style. Steve has helped me grow as a person and hence a leader. Ever present, patient, open and generous, he is a joy to work with."

Caitlin Ruddock PhD, General Manager, Investor Relations, Commonwealth Bank

"Through working with Steve, I have come to understand coaching as a process of supported discovery. Indeed, I have used the work we did together as a new framing of leadership for my career. A good leader coaches like Steve – creating the space for you to walk into, to explore your challenges in safety, then to walk out with action, direction and purpose."

Professor Peter Scott, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) UTS.

"I cannot overstate the professional and personal benefits I gained from being coached by Steve. It is rare to find a coach with such integrity and insight. I regard my time with Steve as the most valuable investment in my career."

David Callan, actor, writer

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